Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Good Pics to share.........

Chuck T sent me this pic of Jack's induction into 2008 Wrestling Hall of Fame May 10, 2008 Spokane Washington. Cool Pic and well deserved honor to both of them. All together now: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

But all of us knowing these two have a slightly 'different' view of them day to day. We were at Cannon Beach with them last year, and when I said "hey, let me get some pics!", they promptly faced away from me, and assumed the position, LAUGHING!

We've not spent too much face to face time with them until about 1990, when I loaned into BA Everett for the summer. These are our kids, Cindy (now an occupational therapist in KC) and Allen (will graduate from WSU -- That's Wichita State in Dec--I love springing WSU on NW folks). Anyway, this pic is at our apt.

Finally, in the "I wish I had a picture" department:

You all know how antsy Miss Tally is. During the early 777 development, I spent a lot of time working out of Renton. Whenever I was in town, I'll call J/T and try to meet up with them for dinner one night.

This particular trip, Jack was busy with something every night, but Tally said she'd meet me at a Mexican restaurant in Renton. After we were seated (the restaurant was busy), I noted T was more jumpy than usual, watching the crowd. Finally I asked "You seem more uptight tonight............"

T: "Jack and I used to work/coach here, and we know a LOT of people--and they know I'm supposed to be with JACK. If they see me with a strange man..............." OK, I got it.

We had finished our meal, and were getting ready to depart. We were sitting at a 2 person table, right in the middle of other 2 people tables.

Then IT happened. A couple sat down at the table next to us, the lady was DIRECTLY across from Tally--and THEY KNEW EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tally turn a deep shade of red, and quickly tried to introduce me "this is my best friend's husban-------------------------------".

Now a DEEP, DARK shade of Red, I tried to help out, "Darling, you might as well tell her................."

I have never seen Tally so embarassed before--it was great. And by the time I drove back to my motel to call Chari, Tally was already ON THE PHONE WITH HER--explaining all that had happened and that everything was totally innocent. I'm sure she will hate me for sharing that story, but it is too good to not share.

OK, your turn, respond with some good J/T stories. And I apologize for any of you on dialup--this site probably just slowed down a lot (I'll check it via dial up later today and see).

Oh, I don't think you can post pics from comments, but if you have some pics you want to share, email them to me along with a brief description of what they are and I'll post them. rroots@cox.net


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